Project Update – River Restoration Design & Build at Barn Meadows and Pondswicks Meadows, Old Amersham
FiveRivers are currently on site delivering the construction phase of a design and build contract with Affinity Water, on the River Misbourne at Barn Meadows and Pondwicks Meadows, Old Amersham. This project forms part of Affinity Water’s River Restoration Programme which aims to restore natural chalk stream processes, creating suitable habitat for fish and macroinvertebrates, while also ensuring the rare chalk stream habitat is resilient to a range of flow conditions.
Since last year, our teams worked on designing morphological improvements for the River Misbourne at Barn Meadow and Pondwicks Meadow. This included: carrying out desk-based assessments, topographic surveys, morphological and ecological surveys, extensive hydraulic modelling, outline designs and detailed designs. Our design team also worked with Affinity Water on community engagement events to share the proposed improvements and gather feedback from local residents and the general public.
Our construction team are now on-site undertaking gravel augmentation, the creation of a low flow channel, berm creation, and bank regrading, plus the creation of backwaters at Pondwicks Meadows, for a 3-week period. Last week our founder, Jason Lovering, visited site along with colleagues from FiveRiversand Affinity Water to follow the progress of works. Currently, the River Misbourne is only achieving ‘moderate ecological status’ under the Water Framework Directive (WFD); once completed, the project is expected to help contribute towards the River Misbourne achieving ‘good ecological status’ under the WFD.
Left to right: John Deacon (Affinity Water), Steph Collins (FiveRivers), Dan Sturgess (FiveRivers), Aaron McDonnell (FiveRivers), Ellie Powers (Affinity Water), Julia Tyrrell (Landowers, Pondwicks Paradigm Homes), Chloe Bench (Affinity Water), Rob (FiveRivers), Jasmine Newton (FiveRivers), Nicholas Gilbert (Affinity Water) and Zara Zakaria (Affinity Water)
About FiveRivers
FiveRivers is a leading industry specialist in the monitoring, consultation, design, and delivery of ecological and environmental nature-based solutions. With over 25 years’ working with nature, our expertise encompasses terrestrial and aquatic habitats with a specific passion for rivers and wetlands.
Our services deliver environmental protection, enhancement and restoration through environmental and ecological monitoring. ecological mitigation and habitat improvement. and A specialist of choice, FiveRivers delivers innovative, sensitive, and leading solutions across all sectors.
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