Geomorphology Services
Geomorphology is the science of landforms; how they are created and how they change. Geomorphology bridges the gap between ecology and engineering and is vital to any project seeking to provide sustainable benefits for both people and ecology.
Our team at FiveRivers are specialists in fluvial geomorphology, specifically focusing on the way that rivers move and change over time. We understand how the flow of water interacts with sediment and how that, in turn, interacts with elements of the landscape.
Our knowledge of geomorphic form, process and riverine ecology ensures that we maximise benefits for ecology, amenity and natural flood management through design. We also provide field based geomorphic surveys and desk top analysis to support a range of projects, from ecological mitigation to compliance assessments.

The Problems
Project Feasibility
If you plan to undertake an options appraisal or feasibility study, or if you’re seeking outline designs, detailed designs or are looking to monitor a river, fluvial geomorphology is a service that will benefit your project from the outset. For example:
- specialist fluvial geomorphological support is required on a wide range of schemes where river processes, and the impact of a proposed scheme, needs to be assessed.
- geomorphological assessments are a key component of catchment management and can be carried out at catchment scale using desk-based assessment, or by detailed reach and site-based assessments such as fluvial audits. By understanding river processes, we help out clients develop future management and restoration strategies.
- site-based assessments are critical for schemes such as weir removals, where dramatic changes to sediment movement are expected.

The Solutions
Data to Guide Your Project
Our geomorphologists can support your project by undertaking field based surveys including:
- Geomorphic surveys and monitoring – sediment sampling, reconnaissance surveys, physical biotope mapping,
- River Condition Assessments,
- Sediment transport assessments,
- Erosion/scour assessments,
- River restoration design,
- Ecological mitigation,
- Compliance/impact assessments
- Post-project appraisals.
This data, along with available desk-based data, will guide and support your project.
Our previous clients have ranged from private landowners to wildlife trusts, local authorities, statutory authorities, water companies and developers. We’re proud to offer a geomorphology team that comes with experience of practical design and delivery of river interventions, backed by the latest scientific evidence.

Contact us
Talk to an expert in Geomorphology Services
Luke Roberts
Construction Manager
Get in touch by either phone or email to speak with Luke and discuss your needs. Alternatively click the button below to complete our contact form.
Telephone: 01722 783 041
Email: sales@five-rivers.com
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