Wetland Creation
Wetland creation specialists who will guide you on any aspect of pond and lake creation and conservation
At FiveRivers, our passion for wetlands is second to none and we specialise in wetland creation. Wetland creation is the process of taking a dry area of land and, quite literally, making it wet. Wetlands are the bridge between terrestrial and aquatic habitats, and are extremely important to the survival of countless wildlife species. Wetlands serve as habitat for invertebrates, animals and amphibians to eat, rest, breed and, ultimately, play their role in maintaining this vital ecosystem. Wetlands can also help to prevent floods by absorbing excess water. They’re also able to perform various functions, such as stripping nutrients out of water to prevent water having to be treated later on.
At FiveRivers we are dedicated to wetland creation with the wider environment in mind and can undertake the whole package of wetland creation services – from monitoring and upfront ecological surveys through design and feasibility to construction. Wetland creation projects we have undertaken in the past include; feasibility of constructed wetlands for nutrient neutrality; naturalised sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) to slow run off from urban developments, design and construction of wetlands to reduce and an compensate for flood risk improvements; creation of wetlands as mitigation for development for species such as great crested newts, otter and Water voles and access improvements for amenity and wellbeing interests.
We have diverse clients for our wetland creation services, including those seeking to create a wetland habitat for personal enjoyment to nationally important infrastructure schemes mitigating for habitat loss as part of the scheme. As wetland creation specialists, we are well-placed to guide you on any aspect of pond and lake creation and conservation.
If you’re ready to discuss your wetland creation project plans, we’d love to hear from you, so get in touch!

The Problems
90% of the UK’s Wetlands Lost
There are a number of reasons why our expertise in wetland creation may be required. Typical clients for wetland creation would be those hoping to increase habitat diversity, such as wildlife trusts, water companies and councils. However, our wetland creation services are available to a wide range of clientele, including housing developers and civil infrastructure:
- A developer may need to create wetland habitats as part of their ecological mitigation plan for Biodiversity net gain where wetland habitat will be impacted by the planned development of the site. Currently this is being carried out off-site as part of initiatives such as the great crested newt district level licensing scheme but may change with BNG changes.
- There may be a requirement for a developer to offset their nutrient loading as part of the conditions of their development site. Wetlands are one technique to create credits to offset the increases of Phosphorus and nitrate.
- 90% of the UK’s wetlands have been lost in the last hundred years. Wetlands are not only biodiversity hotspots; they are some of our best natural capital assets. They store and filter water and are also exceptional at absorbing and locking away carbon – helping us fight climate change.
Urban development has increased the rainfall runoff into rivers and historic drainage systems which has had an impact on the severity and intensity of flood risk during times of peak rainfall and high flow events. SUDS along with Natural flood management and other low impact works can have a significant impact on these events.

The Solutions
Design, Build, Monitoring
FiveRivers is a one-stop shop for your wetland creation project! Whether you’re looking for monitoring or design services for a habitat wetland scheme or to work with us from concept through to construction on a constructed wetland for a nutrient neutrality scheme, we can help! Our extensive experience in wetland creation enables us to offer our clients a comprehensive wetland creation service always looking for innovative to deliver a nature-based solution to meet your budget and project requirement.

Contact us
Talk to an expert in Wetland Creation
Luke Roberts
Construction Manager
Get in touch by either phone or email to speak with Luke and discuss your needs. Alternatively click the button below to complete our contact form.
Telephone: 01722 783 041
Email: sales@five-rivers.com
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