Landowner Services

FiveRivers works with individuals and businesses that own or manage their own land holding, particularly those with rivers, streams, ponds or wetlands within their land boundary. We advise on appropriate management of your natural assets, whether you are concerned about bank erosion or want to look at ways in which you can enhance or restore your land.

The services we offer to other sectors, such as construction and engineering, can be tailored to suit private clients and landowners, from developing estate management plans and long term monitoring schemes through to large scale restoration as a legacy for the next generations.

Landowners face a number of issues and challenges when a river or wetland is within their ownership. Some examples include:

  • Historic mis-management, including dredging, installation of weirs, hard bank protection and straightening, that may have degraded a section of river, meaning it is not as ecologically diverse as it could be.
  • Assets at risk of erosion or instability, such as roads, utilities and properties.
  • Riverbank erosion from heavy rainfall, high flow flood events or decay of old protection due to age or unsuitability.
  • Presence of Non-Native Invasive species such as goldfish or plant species that need treatment or removal
  • Requirement for Nutrient neutrality as part of new development or alterations to an existing property
  • The specialist knowledge of carrying out environmental monitoring, design and construction for improvements and funding these options can be daunting if you have no previous experience.

Let the knowledgeable team at FiveRivers guide you to the most cost-effective solution. Services we offer include:

  • Environmental and ecological monitoring services in both the terestrial and aquatic evironments including water quality, species diversity and hydrometry and telemetry.
  • Fish rescue and removal as part of non-native species mitigation and development where required.
  • Design and construction of nature-based solutions for river habitat improvements
  • Design and construction of erosion control solutions, bank protection with a specialism in enature-based solutions on SSSI and SAC rivers.
  •  Design, construction and management of ponds, wetlands and lakes, supported by fisheries management and ecological surveys where required.
  • Guidance on potential funding streams for habitat improvement works; advising on available options and managing application and proposals on your behalf.
  • Flex MSE installation
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Explore Services
for Landowners

Feasibility, design and consenting to get your project going.

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River restoration, erosion protection using Flex MSE.

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The practice of preventing the gradual destruction of agriculture, coast, land or rivers. 

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An important element of any project which involves the dewatering or management of rivers.

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Topographic surveys take into account the scale of land and its defined boundaries, providing an accurate depiction of a site in the early stages of design.

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