Biodiversity Net Gain is now LIVE

On February the 12th 2024 biodiversity net gain came into force as part of the Town and Country Planning Act. Developers must deliver a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain for any new major development projects within the UK. Minor developments will be included on the 2nd of April. Preventing damage to existing habitats is the priority, with mitigation for unavoidable biodiversity loss being a compensation option, either onsite or offsite.

As experts in biodiversity net gain, FiveRivers can support in identifying and delivering the best biodiversity net gain solution for your project. We can undertake the initial terrestrial and aquatic ecological surveys and biodiversity net gain (BNG) baseline assessments using the DEFRA Biodiversity Metric. We can also produce designs relevant for your biodiversity baseline plan and construct, monitor and maintain habitat mitigation sites for the required 30-year period. Our specialism in Watercourse BNG offers a unique level of expertise in the delivery of MoRPh surveying, and net gain calculations and proposals.

We have over 25 years’ experience delivering nature based solutions and we pride ourselves in offering innovative, environmental, and industry leading biodiversity net gain solutions.


Matt Jones – Natural Capital Consultant

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Biodiversity Net Gain


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